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Eclipse Create Java classes

Open the New Java Class Wizard

You can use the New Java Class Wizard to create Java classes, you can open the Java Class Wizard in the following ways:

  • Click the "File" menu and select New> Class
  • Right-click in the Package Explorer window and select New> Class
  • Click the drop-down button class ( class_dd_button ) And select ( class_button )

Before opening the Create Java Class Wizard, the best choice for a good package name Java class belongs, so that when the package is created Java class name field will be filled in automatically.

Use the New Java Class Wizard

Java Class Wizard popups you can do the following:

  • Confirm the folder name (Source Folder) and name the package (Package) is correct
  • Enter the name of the class
  • Pick another modified class
  • Enter superclass (Superclass) name or click Browse (Browse) button to select an existing class
  • Click Add (Add) button to select the class that implements an interface
  • In the box you can select the method to create a way to automatically generate and whether comments
  • Click Finish (complete) button

Checking out your new Java class

In the Package Explorer view, we can see the new class, we can modify the code on the right side Java editor.
