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ASP.NET Razor VB loops, and arrays

Statements in the cycle will be repeated.

For loop

If you need to repeat the same statement, you can set up a cycle.

If you want to know the number of cycles, you can use the for loop. This type of loop is especially useful when counting up or counting down:


@For i=10 To 21
@<p>Line #@i</p>
Next i

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For Each loop

If you are using a collection or array, you will be frequently used for each cycle.

A collection is a group of similar objects, for each loop can walk through the collection until completion.

The following examples, traversing ASP.NET Request.ServerVariables collection.


@For Each x In Request.ServerVariables
Next x

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While loop

while loop is a common cycle.

while loop begins with the keyword while, followed by a parenthesis, you can specify how long the cycle will then repeat the code block is executed in parentheses.

while loop is usually set a variable to increment or decrement the count.

The following example, the + = operator to perform a loop at each value of the variable i is incremented.


Dim i=0
Do While i<5
i += 1
@<p>Line #@i</p>
End Code


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When you want to store a plurality of similar variables you do not want to have to create a separate variable for each variable but you can use an array to store:


Dim members As String()={"Jani","Hege","Kai","Jim"}
end Code
@For Each person In members
Next person

<p>The number of names in Members are @len </p>
<p>The person at position 2 is @x </p>
<p>Kai is now in position @i </p>

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