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HTML Audio / Video DOM ended event

HTML audio / video Tag Reference HTML Audio / Video DOM Reference


After the completion of the audio player pop-up message:

var aud = document.getElementById ( "myAudio");
aud.onended = function () {
alert ( "complete audio player");

try it"

Bottom of this article contains more examples.

Definition and Usage

It ended the event in the audio / video (audio / video) trigger after playback is done.

This event is often used to prompt the player to complete the information, such as "Thank you for listening," "Thank you for watching" and so on.

Browser Support

Figures in the table represent the first browser to support this version of events.

ended Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes



<Audio | video onended = "myScript "> try

In JavaScript:

audio | video .onended = function () {myScript}; try

JavaScript, use the addEventListener () method:

audio | video .addEventListener ( "ended" , myScript); try

Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions of IE browser does not support addEventListener () method.

technical details
Supported HTML tags: <Audio> and <video>
Supported JavaScript Objects: Audio, Video


More examples


After the completion of the video player pop-up message:

var vid = document.getElementById ( "myVideo");
vid.onended = function () {
alert ( "The video has ended");

try it"

HTML audio / video Tag Reference HTML Audio / Video DOM Reference