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HTML <big> tag


Let the text font size larger than normal:

<P> <big> This text is relatively large. </ Big> </ p>

try it"

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support <big> tag.

Tag definitions and instructions

HTML5 does not support <big> tag. Please be replaced with CSS.

<Big> tag is used to make larger text.

Tips and Notes

Tip: Use CSS in the document to specify the text size .

Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

HTML5 does not support <big> tag, HTML 4.01 support <big> tag.

Standard property

In HTML 4.01, <big> tag supports the following standard attributes:

属性 描述
class classname 规定元素的类名
dir rtl
id id 规定元素的唯一 id
lang language_code 规定元素中内容的语言代码
style style_definition 规定元素的行内样式
title text 规定元素的额外信息
xml:lang language_code 规定 XHTML 文档中元素内容的语言代码

For a full description, go to Standard property .

Event Properties

In HTML 4.01, <big> tag supports the following event attributes:

属性 描述
onclick script 当鼠标被单击时执行脚本
ondblclick script 当鼠标被双击时执行脚本
onmousedown script 当鼠标按钮被按下时执行脚本
onmousemove script 当鼠标指针移动时执行脚本
onmouseout script 当鼠标指针移出某元素时执行脚本
onmouseover script 当鼠标指针悬停于某元素之上时执行脚本
onmouseup script 当鼠标按钮被松开时执行脚本
onkeydown script 当键盘被按下时执行脚本
onkeypress script 当键盘被按下后又松开时执行脚本
onkeyup script 当键盘被松开时执行脚本

For a full description, go to Event Attributes .