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HTML hr noshade property

HTML hr tag Reference Manual HTML <hr> tag


Shadow effect level (which is the default):

<P> no shadow effect of the horizontal line: </ p>
<Hr noshade>

try it"

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support noshade property.

Definition and Usage

HTML5 does not support the <hr> noshade property. Use CSS instead.

In HTML 4.01, <hr> of noshade property has been abandoned .

noshade property is a Boolean property.

noshade attribute specifies the color of the horizon appear as a solid color rather than color of the shadow.

Compatibility Notes

In HTML 4.01, <hr> of noshade attribute obsolete. Use CSS instead.

CSS syntax (Internet Explorer): <hr style = "height: 2px; color: gray">

CSS syntax (Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari): <hr style = "height: 2px; border-width: 0; background-color: gray">

CSS syntax (cross-browser): <hr style = "height: 2px; border-width: 0; color: gray; background-color: gray">

CSS Example: no shadow effect <hr>

In our CSS tutorial you can find more information about color and background-color details of the property.

Differences between HTML and XHTML

In XHTML, prohibit attribute minimization, noshade property must be defined as <hr noshade = "noshade" />.


<hr noshade>

HTML hr tag Reference Manual HTML <hr> tag