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HTML a shape attribute

HTML a Tag Reference HTML <a> tag


Create an image map using the shape and coords in <a> elements:

<object data="planets.gif" alt="Planets" type="image/gif" usemap="#Map1">
<map name="Map1">
<a href="sun.htm" shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126">太阳</a>
<a href="mercur.htm"shape="circle" coords="90,58,3">水星</a>
<a href="venus.htm" shape="circle" coords="124,58,8">金星</a>

try it"

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

At present, only Firefox and Opera support shape properties.

Definition and Usage

HTML5 is no longer supported shape attribute <a> tag.

shape attribute coords attribute with, you can specify <object> or <img> element links the size, shape and location.

Tip:: To create an image map that can run in all browsers, use the <area> element!


<a shape="value">

Property Value

value description
default Provisions of the entire region.
rect Defined rectangular area.
circle The definition of a circle.
poly Define the polygon area.

HTML a Tag Reference HTML <a> tag