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CSS list-style property


You specify a list of all the properties in a statement:

list-style:square url("sqpurple.gif");

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Attribute definitions and instructions

list-style shorthand property to set a list of all the properties in a statement.

Property (in order) that can be set: list-style-type, list-style-position, list-style-image.

You can not set a value therein, such as "list-style: circle inside;" is also allowed. Property is not set uses its default value.

Defaults: disc outside none
inherit: yes
version: CSS1
JavaScript syntax: object .style.listStyle = "decimal inside"

Browser Support

Figures in the table represent the first browser to support the version number of the property.

list-style 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 7.0

Property Value

value description
list-style-type Set the type of list item marker. See: List-style-of the type of possible values.
list-style-position Set list item marker is placed where. See: List-style-position of possible values.
list-style-image Use an image tag to replace the list of items. See: List-style-Image of the possible values.
initial This property will be set to default values. See: Initial possible values.
inherit Provisions should inherit list-style attribute value from the parent element. See: the inherit possible values.

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