Latest web development tutorials

CSS height property


Set the height and width of a paragraph:


try it"

In the bottom of this page for more examples.

Attribute definitions and instructions

Set the height of the element height attribute.

Note: height property does not include padding, borders, or margins!

Defaults: auto
inherit: no
version: CSS1
JavaScript syntax: object .style.height = "50px"

Browser Support

Figures in the table represent the first browser to support the version number of the property.

height 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 7.0

Property Value

value description
auto default. Browser calculates the actual height.
length Use px, cm other units defined height.
% Based on the percentage of the height of the containing block-level object.
inherit Predetermined height should inherit the property value from the parent element.


More examples

Using the set as a percentage of the image height
This example demonstrates how to use a percentage value to set the height of the element.

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