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Python os.fchown () method

Python File (File) method Python OS file / directory methods


os.fchown () method is used to change the ownership of a file, this function modifies a file's user ID and group ID, the file specified by the file descriptor fd.

Available on Unix.


fchown () method syntax is as follows:

os.fchown(fd, uid, gid)


  • fd - file descriptor

  • uid - user id file's owner

  • user group id owner of the file- gid

return value

This method has no return value.


The following example demonstrates fchown () method of use:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import os, sys, stat

# 打开文件 "/tmp/foo.txt"
fd = "/tmp", os.O_RDONLY )

# 设置文件的用户 id 为 100
os.fchown( fd, 100, -1)

# 设置文件的用户组 id 为 100
os.fchown( fd, -1, 50)

print "修改权限成功!!"

# 关闭文件
os.close( fd )

The above program output is:


Python File (File) method Python OS file / directory methods