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PHP image2wbmp - output WBMP image

PHP Image Processing PHP Image Processing

image2wbmp - in WBMP format Output image to browser or file.


int image2wbmp ( resource $image [, string $filename [, int $threshold ]] )

image2wbmp () to create a WBMP file named filename from the image image. image argument is the return value of a function to create an image, for example imagecreatetruecolor ().

filename parameter is optional, if omitted, the original image stream directly output.


$file = 'php.jpg';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($file);
header('Content-type: ' . image_type_to_mime(IMAGETYPE_WBMP));
image2wbmp($file); // 直接将原图像流输出

PHP Image Processing PHP Image Processing