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PHP zip_entry_read () function

PHP Zip File Reference Complete PHP Zip File Reference

Definition and Usage

zip_entry_read () function to get the contents from the open zip file.

If successful, the function returns the contents of the project. If it fails, it returns FALSE.



参数 描述
zip_entry 必需。规定要读取的 zip 项目资源(由 zip_read() 打开的 zip 项目)。
length 可选。规定返回的字节数(未压缩尺寸)。默认是 1024。


$zip = zip_open("");

if ($zip)
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))
echo "<p>";
echo "Name: " . zip_entry_name($zip_entry) . "<br />";

if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry))
echo "File Contents:<br/>";
$contents = zip_entry_read($zip_entry);
echo "$contents<br />";
echo "</p>";


Output code depends on the contents of the zip file:

Name: ziptest.txt
File Contents:
Hello World! This is a test for a the zip functions in PHP.

Name: htmlziptest.html
File Contents:

Hello World!

This is a test for a thezip functionsin PHP.

PHP Zip File Reference Complete PHP Zip File Reference