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PHP str_rot13 () function

PHP String Reference PHP String Reference


Encoding and decoding strings:

echo str_rot13("Hello World");
echo "<br>";
echo str_rot13("Uryyb Jbeyq");

Running instance »

Definition and Usage

str_rot13 () function performs the ROT13 encoding on strings.

ROT13 coding is put each letter in the alphabet 13 letters to get moving forward. Digital and non-letter characters remain unchanged.

Tip: encoding and decoding are done by the same function.If you put an encoded string as a parameter, then return to the original string.


str_rot13( string )

参数 描述
string 必需。规定要编码的字符串。

technical details

return value: Returns the ROT13 encoded string.
PHP version: 4.2.0+
Update log: Prior to PHP 4.3, string can be modified, as if passed by reference the same.

PHP String Reference PHP String Reference