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PHP mysqli_ssl_set () function

PHP MySQLi Reference Manual PHP MySQLi Reference Manual


Creating an SSL connection:

if (!$con)
die("mysqli_init failed");


if (!mysqli_real_connect($con,"localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db"))
        die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());

// 一些查询...


Definition and Usage

mysqli_ssl_set () function is used to create a secure SSL connection. However, this function is effective only if OpenSSL support is enabled.

Note: This function must be in the () mysqli_real_connect called before.

Note: In previous versions of PHP 5.3.3, MySQL Native Driver does not support SSL. Since PHP 5.3+ onwards, enabled by default on Microsoft Windows MySQL Native Driver.


mysqli_ssl_set( connection,key,cert,ca,capath,cipher ) ;

参数 描述
connection 必需。规定要使用的 MySQL 连接。
key 必需。规定密钥文件的路径名。
cert 必需。规定认证文件的路径名。
ca 必需。规定认证授权文件的路径名。
capath 必需。规定包含 PEM 格式的可信 SSL CA 认证的目录的路径名。
cipher 必需。规定用于 SSL 加密的可用密码列表。

technical details

return value: Always returns TRUE. If SSL is not installed correctly, the time when you try to connect, mysqli_real_connect () returns an error.
PHP version: 5+

PHP MySQLi Reference Manual PHP MySQLi Reference Manual