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PHP array_merge () function

PHP Array Reference Complete PHP Array Reference


The two arrays into one array:


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Definition and Usage

array_merge () function is used to one or more arrays into one array.

Tip: You can enter a function to one or more arrays.

NOTE: If two or more of the array elements have the same key name, the last element will overwrite other elements.

NOTE: If you only () function to input an array array_merge, and the key name is an integer, the function will return a new array with integer keys, the keys to re-index 0 (see Example 1 below) .

Tip: This function array_merge_recursive () between different functions in the process two or more of the array elements have the same situation of keys. array_merge_recursive () will not be covering the key name, but multiple values ​​with the same key name recursively composed of an array.


array_merge( array1,array2,array3... )

参数 描述
array1 必需。规定数组。
array2 可选。规定数组。
array3 可选。规定数组。

technical details

return value: Returns an array of the merger.
PHP version: 4+
Update log: As of PHP 5.0, the function only accepts parameters of type array.

More examples

Example 1

Only use a parameter with integer key names:


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PHP Array Reference Complete PHP Array Reference