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Linux usermod Command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux usermod command modifies the user account.

usermod is used to modify the settings of the user account.


usermod [-LU][-c <备注>][-d <登入目录>][-e <有效期限>][-f <缓冲天数>][-g <群组>][-G <群组>][-l <帐号名称>][-s <shell>][-u <uid>][用户帐号]

Parameter Description:

  • -c <Note> Edit Note text user account.
  • -d directory login> modify the directory user logs in.
  • -e <expiration date> Edit account expiration date.
  • -f <buffer days> to modify the number of days after password expires that is to close the account.
  • -g <Group> Edit group the user belongs.
  • -G <Group> Edit additional groups the user belongs.
  • -l <account name> to modify the user account name.
  • -L Lock user password so that it is invalid.
  • -s <shell> to modify the user login used by the shell.
  • -u <uid> Modify User ID.
  • -U Unlock the password lock.


Change login directory

# usermod -d /home/hnlinux root

Change a user's uid

# usermod -u 777 root

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan