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Linux touch command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux touch command is used to modify the time attributes of a file or directory, including access time and change the time. If the file does not exist, the system creates a new file.

ls -l to display the file time records.


touch [-acfm][-d<日期时间>][-r<参考文件或目录>] [-t<日期时间>][--help][--version][文件或目录…]
  • Parameter Description:
  • a change in reading time record file.
  • m change modify file time records.
  • c If the object file does not exist, does not create a new file. And --no-create the same effect.
  • f not used for compatibility with other unix system reserved.
  • r time record reference profile, and --file the same effect.
  • d set the time and date, you can use a variety of formats.
  • t set the file time records, in the same format and date instruction.
  • --no-create do not create new files.
  • --help lists the instruction formats.
  • --version Lists version information.


Using the command "touch" to modify the file "testfile" time attribute to the current system time, enter the following command:

$ touch testfile                #修改文件的时间属性 

First, use the ls command to view properties testfile file, as follows:

$ ls -l testfile                #查看文件的时间属性  
-rw-r--r-- 1 hdd hdd 55 2011-08-22 16:09 testfile  

After the instruction is executed "touch" modify file attributes, time and again to view the file's properties, as follows:

$ touch testfile                #修改文件时间属性为当前系统时间  
$ ls -l testfile                #查看文件的时间属性  
-rw-r--r-- 1 hdd hdd 55 2011-08-22 19:53 testfile  

When using the command "touch", if the specified file does not exist, create a new blank document. For example, in the current directory, use this command to create a blank file "file", enter the following command:

$ touch file            #创建一个名为“file”的新的空白文件 

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan