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Linux talk command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux talk command is used to talk with other users.

Access: All users.


talk person [ttyname]

Parameter Description:

  • person: ready to talk about user account, if the user on the other machine, you can enter [email protected]
  • ttyname: If a person has two or more tty connections, you can select the appropriate tty pass messages themselves


Now with the user on the machine Rollaend to talk about, then only one connection Rollaend

talk Rollaend

The next is to wait Rollaend respond if Rollaend accepted, Rollaend enter `talk jzlee` you can begin to talk about the end of press ctrl + c

And user on Rollaend conversation using pts / 2 to Conversation

talk [email protected] pts/2

The next is to wait Rollaend respond if Rollaend accepted, Rollaend enter `talk jzlee @ jzlee.home` you can begin to talk about the end of press ctrl + c

Note: If the word screen will appear abnormal characters, try pressing ctrl + l update your screen.

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan