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Linux slocate command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux slocate command to find a file or directory.

slocate itself has a database, which holds the information about the system files and directories.


slocate [-u][--help][--version][-d <目录>][查找的文件]


  • -d <directory> or --database = <directory> Specify the directory where the database resides.
  • -u update the slocate database.
  • --help displays help.
  • --version display version information.


Using the command "slocate" displays the file name contains the keyword "fdisk" file path information, enter the following command:

$ slocate fdisk #显示文件名中含有fdisk关键字的文件的路径信息 

After executing the above command, the output instruction is executed as follows:

$ slocate fdisk #显示文件名中含有fdisk 关键字的文件的路径信息  
/root/cfdisk        #搜索到的文件路径列表  

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan