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Linux rmmod command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux rmmod command to remove the module.

Rmmod command execution, you can remove unnecessary modules. Core Linux operating system has a modular nature, this should be at compile time kernel, advised to put all the functions are placed as the core. You can use these functions compile into a separate module, and then were to be loaded when they are needed.


rmmod [-as][模块名称...]


  • -a Delete all unnecessary modules currently.
  • -s the information to the syslog permanent service, instead terminal interface.


Displays installed modules

# lsmod
Module         Size Used by
cramfs         39042 1 
nfsd         238935 11 
lockd         64849 1 nfsd
nfs_acl         2245 1 nfsd
auth_rpcgss      33735 1 nfsd
sunrpc        193181 10 nfsd,lockd,nfs_acl,auth_rpcgss
exportfs        3437 1 nfsd
xt_TCPMSS        2931 0 
xt_tcpmss        1197 0 
xt_tcpudp        2011 0 
iptable_mangle     2771 0 
ip_tables        9991 1 iptable_mangle
x_tables        14299 4 

pppoe          8943 0 
pppox          2074 1 pppoe
binfmt_misc       6587 1 
snd_ens1371      18814 0 
gameport        9089 1 snd_ens1371
snd_ac97_codec    100646 1 snd_ens1371
ac97_bus        1002 1 snd_ac97_codec
snd_pcm_oss      35308 0 

Unloading module

# rmmod -v pppoe //卸载模块pppoe
Checking ppoe for persistent data

Installation Module

# insmod -v pppoe >1.log //安装模块

~# tail -b 30 1.log //显示文件信息

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan