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Linux rdev command

Linux rdev command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux rdev command can be used to query / set root device of the kernel image file, RAM disk size, or video mode.

rdev command without any parameters outputs the current root file system / etc / mtab file line. ramsize without any parameters, vidmode, and rootflags will display help information.


rdev [-rsvh ] [-o offset ] [ image [value [ offset ] ] ]</p>

But with different parameters of the user you want to set, under the same manner:

rdev [ -o offset ] [ image [ root_device [ offset ] ] ]
swapdev [ -o offset ] [ image [ swap_device [ offset ] ] ]
ramsize [ -o offset ] [ image [ size [ offset ] ] ]
videomode [ -o offset ] [ image [ mode [ offset ] ] ]
rootflags [ -o offset ] [ image [ flags [ offset ] ] ]


  • -r: Causes rdev to act ramsize run.
  • -R: Causes rdev to act rootflags run.
  • -v: Causes rdev to act like vidmode.
  • -h: help.

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan