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Linux mtools command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux mtools mtools command instructions supported for display.

mtools for MS-DOS file system utility, can simulate many MS-DOS commands. These instructions are mtools symbolic links, so there will be some common characteristics.



Parameter Description:

  • Automatically change the destination file name duplication when -a long file long file names.
  • -A Short file name duplication but a long file name does not change the target file and automatically short file name.
  • When -o long file name duplication, the destination file to overwrite the existing file.
  • -O Short file name duplication, but not the same long file name, the target file will overwrite the existing file.
  • When -r long file name duplication, require users to change the target file's long file name.
  • -R Short file name duplication, but not the same long file name, require users to change the target file's short file name.
  • When -s long file name duplication, not the target file processing.
  • -S Short file name duplication but long file name is not the same, not the target file processing.
  • -v Displays detailed instructions when executed.
  • -V Display version information.


Display mtools package supported by the MS-DOS command.

At the command prompt, enter directly mtools, to show that it supports MS-DOS command as follows:

$ mtools #显示所支持的MS-DOS命令  
Supported commands: #命令列表  
mattrib, mbadblocks, mcat, mcd, mclasserase, mcopy, mdel, mdeltree  
mdir, mdoctorfat, mdu, mformat, minfo, mlabel, mmd, mmount  
mpartition, mrd, mread, mmove, mren, mshowfat, mtoolstest, mtype  
mwrite, mzip 

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan