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Linux mktemp command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux mktemp command is used to create a temporary file.

A staging file mktemp established for shell script use.


mktemp [-qu][文件名参数]


  • -q If an error occurs when executed, it will not display any information.
  • -u staging file before the end of mktemp first deleted.
  • [Filename argument] filename parameter must form "a custom name .XXXXXX" of.


When using the mktemp command generates a temporary file name parameter should be "File name .XXXX" aproach, mktemp creates a temporary file based on the file name argument. At the command prompt, enter the following command:

mktemp tmp.xxxx #生成临时文件 

After using this command, you can use dir or ls to see the current directory, the following results were obtained:

cmd@cmd-desktop:~$ mktemp tmp.xxxx #生成临时文件  
cmd@cmd-desktop:~$dir #查看当前目录  
file test testfile testfile1 tmp.3847 #生成了tmp.3847 

Thus, the temporary files generated for tmp.3847, where filename parameter "XXXX" is replaced by four randomly generated characters.

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan