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Linux mkkickstart command

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan

Linux mkkickstart command used to create the configuration file that is installed.

mkkickstart according to the current system set up to create a configuration file for other computers to use during installation. The contents of the configuration file including the use of language, network environment, system disk state, and X Windows settings and other information.


mkkickstart [--bootp][--dhcp][--nonet][--nox][--version][--nfs <远端电脑:路径>]


  • When --bootp installation and boot using BOOTP.
  • --dhcp installation and boot time, use DHCP.
  • --nfs <remote computer: path> Use the given network path installation.
  • --nonet Do not make network settings, which assumes that in the absence of the state of the network environment.
  • --nox Do not make the X Windows environment settings.
  • --version display version information.


Construction of an installation configuration file:

# mkkickstart --nonet -bootp

Linux command Daquan Linux command Daquan