Latest web development tutorials

Window opener property

Window Object Reference Window object

Definition and Usage

opener property is a read-write property, returns to the window to create the Window object references.

When using the () to open a window, you can use this property to return the target window detailed information from the source (parent) window.

Code hints: window.opener.close () will be closed source (parent) window.



Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support opener property



Write text (the parent window) to the opener window:

<! DOCTYPE html>
<Meta charset = "utf-8">
<Title> This tutorial ( </ title>
function openWin () {
myWindow = ( '', '', 'width = 200, height = 100');
myWindow.document.write ( "<p> This is my window </ p>");
myWindow.focus ();
myWindow.opener.document.write ( "<p> This is the source window </ p>!");
</ Script>
</ Head>

<Input type = "button" value = "open my window" onclick = "openWin ()" />

</ Body>
</ Html>

try it"

Window Object Reference Window object