HTML DOM Video Object
Video Object
Video objects are new in HTML5.
Video object represents an HTML <video> element.
Access Video objects t
You can access by using the getElementById () <video> element:
var x = document.getElementById ( "myVideo" ); try
Create a Video object
You can create a <video> method by using document.createElement () elements:
var x = document.createElement ( "VIDEO" ); try
Video Object Properties
Attributes | description |
audioTracks | Back AudioTrackList objects available audio tracks representation. |
autoplay | Immediately after playing the video settings or returns whether the Ready (finished loading). |
buffered | Returns video TimeRanges buffered portion of the object. |
controller | It returns the current MediaController objects video media controller. |
controls | Sets or returns whether the video should display controls (such as play / pause, etc.). |
crossOrigin | Sets or returns the video CORS settings. |
currentSrc | Returns the current URL of the video. |
currentTime | Sets or returns the current video playback position (in seconds). |
defaultMuted | Sets or returns whether the default video mute. |
defaultPlaybackRate | Sets or returns the default playback speed of the video. |
duration | Returns the length of the video (in seconds). |
ended | Whether to return the video playback has ended. |
error | Return to video Error state MediaError object representation. |
height | Sets or returns the value of the video height attributes. |
loop | Sets or returns whether the video should be playing again at the end. |
mediaGroup | Sets or returns the name of the video to your media portfolio. |
muted | Sets or returns whether to turn off the sound. |
networkState | Returns the current state of the video network. |
paused | Sets or returns the video is paused. |
playbackRate | Sets or returns the video playback speed. |
played | Returns have TimeRanges video playback portion of the object. |
poster | Sets or returns the value of the video poster attributes. |
preload | Sets or returns the value of the video preload property. |
readyState | Returns the current video ready. |
seekable | Back TimeRanges target video addressable portion of Fig. |
seeking | Returns whether the user is currently being carried out to find a video. |
src | Sets or returns the value of the src attribute of the video. |
startDate | Returns the current time offset Date object. |
textTracks | Back TextTrackList track objects available text representation. |
videoTracks | Returns available video tracks VideoTrackList object. |
volume | Sets or returns the video volume. |
width | Sets or returns the value of the video width properties. |
Video Object
Method | description |
addTextTrack () | Add a new text to the video track. |
canPlayType () | Check your browser is capable of playing the specified video type. |
load () | Reload video elements. |
play () | Start the video. |
pause () | Pause the currently playing video. |
Standard properties and events
Video object also supports the standard attributes and events .
related articles
HTML Tutorial: the HTML5 video
HTML Reference Manual: HTML <Video> tag