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HTML DOM Keygen objects

Keygen objects

Keygen keygen object represents the HTML form field form.

The object provides a secure way to authenticate users.

When submitting a form, sent to the server private key is stored in the local public.

In the HTML document, each <keygen> tag can create a Keygen object.

You can form form elements [] array keygen search field, or use document.getElementById ().

Keygen object properties

= HTML5 new property.

属性 描述
autofocus 设置或者返回页面加载时是否自动获得焦点。
challenge 设置或者返回keygen字段的challenge属性值。
disabled 设置或者返回是否用 keytag 字段。
form 返回包含该 keygen 字段的表单。
keytype 设置或者返回keygen字段的keytype属性值。
name 设置或者返回keygen字段name属性的值。
type 返回keygen字段是哪种表单元素类型。

Standard properties and events

keygen objects also supports standard attributes and events .

Related Pages

HTML Reference Manual: HTML <keygen> tag