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JavaScript RegExp Object

RegExp object

A regular expression is a character description of the object model.

Regular expressions are used to retrieve the string pattern matching and replacement, it is a powerful tool for the implementation of the string pattern matching.


var patt=new RegExp(pattern,modifiers);


var patt=/pattern/modifiers;
  • pattern (pattern) describes the expression pattern
  • modifiers (modifiers) used to specify the global matching, and multi-line distinction match with matching case

Note: When using a constructor to create a regular objects, you need regular character escape rules (preceded by a backslash \). For example, the following are equivalent:

var re = new RegExp("\\w+");
var re = /\w+/;

Read more about RegExp object in our JavaScript RegExp objects tutorial .


Modifier is used to perform a case-sensitive and global match:

Modifiers description
i Perform case-insensitive match.
g Perform a global match (find all matches rather than in the first match after stopping).
m Executive Multi-line matches.

Square brackets

Square brackets are used to find a range of characters:

expression description
[abc] Find any character between the brackets.
[^ abc] Find any character not between the brackets.
[0-9] Look for any number from 0-9.
[Az] Look for any small to write a lowercase z character.
[AZ] Find any character from uppercase A to Z, uppercase.
[Az] Find any character from uppercase A to lowercase z's.
[Adgk] Searches for any character within a given set.
[^ Adgk] Searches for any character outside the given set.
(Red | blue | green) Find any options specified.


Metacharacter (Metacharacter) character has a special meaning:

Metacharacters description
. Find a single character, except newline and line endings.
\ w Find a word character.
\ W Find a non-word character.
\ d Find figures.
\ D Finding non-numeric characters.
\ s Find a blank character.
\ S Finding non-whitespace characters.
\ b Match word boundary.
\ B Match non-word boundary.
\ 0 Find NUL characters.
\ n Find newline.
\ F Find page breaks.
\ R Find a carriage return.
\ T Find tabs.
\ V Find a vertical tab.
\ xxx Look for the octal number xxx predetermined characters.
\ xdd Find a hexadecimal number dd predetermined characters.
\ uxxxx Find a hexadecimal number xxxx specified Unicode character.


quantifier description
n + Any string that contains at least one n match.
n * Any string that contains zero or more n match.
n? Any material that contains zero or one n string matching.
n {X} A string of X contains n sequence matches.
n {X, Y} A string of X or Y n contains a sequence matching.
n {X,} At least X n sequence contains string matching.
n $ N matches any string ending.
^ n N match any string beginning with a.
? = n Immediately thereafter any specified string n string matching.
?! n Any subsequent not immediately specified string n string matching.

RegExp object methods

method description FF IE
compile Compiling a regular expression. 1 4
exec The value specified search string. The return value of the find, and to determine its position. 1 4
test The value specified search string. Returns true or false. 1 4

It supports regular expressions String object methods

method description FF IE
search Search and regular expression matching values. 1 4
match Find one or more regular expression matching. 1 4
replace Replace with regular expression matching substring. 1 4
split The string is divided into an array of strings. 1 4