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HTML DOM Input Text placeholder attribute

Input Text Object Reference Input Text Object


Modify the prompt text in the text field:

document.getElementById ( "myText") placeholder = "Enter the name in this ...";

try it"

Definition and Usage

placeholder placeholder property sets or returns the property values ​​in the text field.

placeholder attribute tracks the input message fields expected value.

The prompt is displayed in the input field empty, and disappears when the field gets the focus.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support the placeholder attribute.

Note: Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions of IE browser does not support the placeholder attribute.


Back placeholder attributes:

textObject .placeholder

Setting placeholder properties:

textObject .placeholder = text

Property Value

value description
text Provides a brief message (a word or phrase), it is used to describe the expected value of the text field
technical details
return value: String, a brief reminder text field for describing the expected value

More examples


Get the message text field:

var x = document.getElementById ( "myText") placeholder.;

x The output is:


try it"

Related Pages

HTML Reference Manual: HTML <the INPUT> placeholder attribute

Input Text Object Reference Input Text Object