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HTML DOM Style resize property

Style Object Reference Style Objects


Predetermined by the user can adjust the size of the div element:


Definition and Usage

resize property specifies whether the user can adjust the size of the element.

Note: resize attribute overflow property works only if the element is not "visible".That is, if you want to resize property to take effect, you need to set the value of auto overflow attribute elements, hidden or scroll.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

Firefox, Chrome and Safari support resize property.


Back resize attributes:

object .style.resize

Setting resize properties:

object .style.resize="none|both|horizontal|vertical|initial|inherit"

Property Value

none 默认值。用户无法调整元素的尺寸大小。
both 用户可调整元素的高度和宽度。
horizontal 用户可调整元素的宽度。
vertical 用户可调整元素的高度。
initial 设置该属性为它的默认值。请参阅 initial
inherit 从父元素继承该属性。请参阅 inherit

technical details

Defaults: none
return value: String representing the resize attribute element.
CSS version CSS3

related articles

CSS Reference: of a resize attribute

Style Object Reference Style Objects