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HTML DOM Style alignContent property

Style Object Reference Style Objects


Align flexible <div> element items:


try it"

Definition and Usage

alignContent property aligned within the container (vertical) in the shaft when the unoccupied cross flexible container all the available space.

Tip: Use justifyContent property align the (horizontal) on the spindle.

Note: You must multiple line items within the container, this property in order to render the effect.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

Chrome and Opera support alignContent property.


Back alignContent properties:

object .style.alignContent

Setting alignContent properties:

object .style.alignContent="stretch|center|flex-start|flex-end|space-between|space-around|initial|inherit"

Property Value

stretch 默认值。项目被拉伸以适应容器。
center 项目位于容器的中心。
flex-start 项目位于容器的开头。
flex-end 项目位于容器的结尾。
space-between 项目位于各行之间留有空白的容器内。
space-around 项目位于各行之前、之间、之后都留有空白的容器内。
initial 设置该属性为它的默认值。请参阅 initial
inherit 从父元素继承该属性。请参阅 inherit

technical details

Defaults: stretch
return value: String that represents align-content element attributes.
CSS version CSS3

related articles

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Style Object Reference Style Objects