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HTML DOM Input Month autofocus attribute

Input Month Object Reference Input Month Object


See if the month field automatically get the focus when the page is loaded:

var x = document.getElementById("myMonth").autofocus;
x The output is:

try it"

Definition and Usage

autofocus property sets or returns the month field whether to automatically get the focus when the page loads.

This property reflects the HTML autofocus property.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support the autofocus attribute.

Note: Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions of IE, Opera 12 and earlier version of Opera browser does not support this property.

Note: Internet Explorer or Firefox browser does not support type = "month" <input> element attributes.


Back autofocus properties:

monthObject .autofocus

Setting autofocus properties:

monthObject .autofocus=true|false

Property Value

true|false 描述了 month 字段在页面加载后是否获取焦点
  • true - month 字段获取焦点
  • false - 默认。month 字段不获取焦点。

technical details

return value: Boolean field if the page month after loading automatically get the focus returns true, otherwise returns false.

Related Pages

HTML Reference Manual: HTML <the INPUT> The autofocus attribute

Input Month Object Reference Input Month Object