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HTML DOM tr insertCell () method

tr Object Reference tr objects

Definition and Usage

Specify the location insertCell () method is used to insert a line of HTML table an empty <td> element.



index 该方法将创建一个新的 <td> 元素,把它插入行中指定的位置。新单元格将被插入当前位于 index 指定位置的表元之前。如果 index 等于行中的单元格数,则新单元格被附加在行的末尾。

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support insertCell () method



The following example inserts a table row cell:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
function displayResult(){
    var firstRow=document.getElementById("myTable").rows[0];
    var x=firstRow.insertCell(-1);
    x.innerHTML="New cell"

<table id="myTable" border="1">
        <td>First cell</td>
        <td>Second cell</td>
        <td>Third cell</td>
<button type="button" onclick="displayResult()">插入单元格</button>


try it"

Examples s

More examples

Add a new row to the table - and then add the contents of the cell and

tr Object Reference tr objects