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JavaScript Statements Reference Manual

JavaScript Statements

In HTML, JavaScript statement is sent to the browser's "command."

It tells the browser what to do.

The following examples JavaScript statement tells the browser output "Hello Dolly" to id = "demo" HTML element:


document.getElementById ( "demo") innerHTML = "Hello Dolly.".;

try it"

More on statements tutorial, please refer to our JavaScript tutorial statements .

JavaScript statement identifies

JavaScript JavaScript statement is usually a statement identifier to identify an action to perform.

Statement identifiers are reserved keywords can not be used as a variable name.

The following table lists all of the JavaScript statement:

Statements description
break Exit witch statement or loop
continue In the cycle skip the current iteration, and continue to the next iteration of the loop
debugger Stop executing JavaScript, and invoke the debugger function
do ... while Execute a block of statements to continue execution of the statement block in a conditional statement is true.
for When conditional statement is true, the code block can execute a specified number of times.
for ... in For loop through the array, or property of an object (or objects on the property array cycle operation).
function Define a function
if ... else ... else if It used based on different criteria to perform different actions.
return Exit function and return value function
switch It used based on different criteria to perform different actions.
throw Throw (generate) error.
try ... catch ... finally Implement error handling, use in conjunction with the catch.
var Declare a variable.
while When the conditional statement is true, the execution block.