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JavaScript setUTCSeconds () method

Date Object Reference JavaScript Date Object


According to Universal Time (UTC) in seconds of the current time field is set to 35:

var d = new Date();

d output:

try it"

Definition and Usage

setUTCSeconds () method is used according to Universal Time (UTC) setting specifies the time in seconds field.

This method is suitable for a specified time to set the seconds field.

Tip: Coordinated Universal Time, also known as the unified world time, Universal Time, Coordinated Universal Time, abbreviated UTC.

Note: UTC time and GMT (Greenwich Mean) time the same.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support setUTCSeconds () method.


Date.setUTCSeconds( sec , millisec )

Parameter Values

parameter description

Required. DateObject give the value of the seconds field. It indicates the use of the world.

This parameter is an integer from 0 to 59:

  • -1 Is the last second minute
  • For the first 60 seconds of the next minute

Optional. Millisecond value field to give dateObject settings. It indicates the use of the world.

This parameter is an integer from 0 to 999:

  • -1 On a last-second 1 ms
  • 1000 for the next second in the first millisecond

return value

Type 描述
Number 调整过的日期的毫秒表示。

technical details

JavaScript version: 1.3

More examples


According to Universal Time (UTC) to set the number of seconds and milliseconds:

var d = new Date();
var n=d.getUTCSeconds() + ":" + d.getUTCMilliseconds();

n output:

try it"

Date Object Reference JavaScript Date Object