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JavaScript getTimezoneOffset () method

Date Object Reference JavaScript Date Object


Returns the difference between GMT and local time:

var d = new Date()
var n = d.getTimezoneOffset();

n output:

try it"

Definition and Usage

getTimezoneOffset () method returns the offset from Greenwich Mean Time and local time, in minutes.

For example, if the time zone is GMT + 2, returns -120.

Note: Due tothe use of the practice of daylight saving time, the return value is not a constant of the process.

Tip: Coordinated Universal Time, also known as the unified world time, Universal Time, Coordinated Universal Time, abbreviated UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).

Note: UTC time is the GMT (Greenwich Mean) time.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support getTimezoneOffset () method



return value

类型 描述
Number 本地时间与 GMT 时间之间的时间差,以分钟为单位。

technical details

JavaScript version: 1.0

Date Object Reference JavaScript Date Object