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onunload event

Event Object Reference Event objects


Javascript code is executed when the user has not loaded the document:

<body onunload="myFunction()">

try it"

Definition and Usage

onunload event occurs when the user exits the page.

onunload event occurs when the user when leaving the page (by clicking a link, submitting a form, close the browser window, and so on.)

Note: onunload event also triggers the page load event (+ the onload event).



<body onunload="SomeJavaScriptCode">

In JavaScript:


参数 描述
SomeJavaScriptCode 必需。规定该事件发生时执行的 JavaScript。

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

IE, Firefox, and Safari support onunload event, but Chrome or Opera do not support the event.

The following HTML tags support onunload:

<body>, <frameset>

Event Object Reference Event objects