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<X: set> tag

JSP Standard Tag Library JSP Standard Tag Library

<X: set> tag to set the value of a variable XPath expressions.

If the value of the XPath expression is boolean type, then <x: set> java.lang.Boolean will set a target, if the string, set a java.lang.String object, and if the figures, set a java.lang .Number object.


<x:set var="<string>" select="<string>" scope="<string>"/>


<X: set> tag has the following attributes:

Attributes description If necessary Defaults
var On behalf of worthy variable XPath expression Yes Body
select XPath expression to be calculated no no
scope Scope var attribute no Page

Examples Demo

The following example demonstrates how to use the <x: set> tag:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="x" uri="" %>

  <title>JSTL x:set 标签</title>
<h3>Books Info:</h3>

<c:set var="xmltext">
      <name>Padam History</name>
      <name>Great Mistry</name>

<x:parse xml="${xmltext}" var="output"/>
<x:set var="fragment" select="$output//book"/>
<b>The price of the second book</b>: 
<c:out value="${fragment}" />

Results are as follows:

The price of the second book:[[book: null], [book: null]]

JSP Standard Tag Library JSP Standard Tag Library