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<Fmt: timeZone> tag

JSP Standard Tag Library JSP Standard Tag Library

<Fmt: timeZone> tag is used to specify the time zone, for use other labels.


<fmt:setLocale value="<string>" variant="<string>" scope="<string>"/>


<Fmt: timeZone> tag has the following attributes:

Attributes description If necessary Defaults
value Time zone Yes no

Examples Demo

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
    <title>JSTL fmt:timeZone 标签</title>

    <c:set var="now" value="<%=new java.util.Date()%>" />
    <table border="1" width="100%">
        <td width="100%" colspan="2" bgcolor="#0000FF">
          <p align="center">
              <font color="#FFFFFF" size="4">Formatting:
              <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both"
              timeStyle="long" dateStyle="long" />

      <c:forEach var="zone"
          <td width="51%">
            <c:out value="${zone}" />
          <td width="49%">
            <fmt:timeZone value="${zone}">
              <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" timeZone="${zn}"
              type="both" />

Results are as follows:


JSP Standard Tag Library JSP Standard Tag Library