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UTF-8 C0 control and basic Latin (Latin alphabet)

Range: 0-127 decimal, hexadecimal 0020-007F.


Character set with the original ASCII character set the same.

If you want to display a special character in HTML, you can use HTML entities in the following table.

If the character is not HTML entities, you can use decimal or hexadecimal reference.


<p>我的名字是 Johnny &quot;Bang&quot; Johnson<p>
<p>我的名字是 Johnny &#34;Bang&#34; Johnson<p>

The results are as follows:

我的名字是 Johnny "Bang" Johnson

我的名字是 Johnny "Bang" Johnson

try it"

character Decimal Hex entity name
32 0020 Space (SPACE)
! 33 0021 The exclamation point (EXCLAMATION MARK)
" 34 0022 & Quot; Quotes (QUOTATION MARK)
# 35 0023 Number sign (NUMBER SIGN)
$ 36 0024 The dollar sign (DOLLAR SIGN)
% 37 0025 Percent sign (PERCENT SIGN)
& 38 0026 & Amp; Ampersand (AMPERSAND)
' 39 0027 Apostrophe (APOSTROPHE)
( 40 0028 Left parenthesis (LEFT PARENTHESIS)
) 41 0029 Right bracket (RIGHT PARENTHESIS)
* 42 002A An asterisk (ASTERISK)
+ 43 002B Plus (PLUS SIGN)
, 44 002C Comma (COMMA)
- 45 002D Hyphen (HYPHEN-MINUS)
. 46 002E Period (FULL STOP)
/ 47 002F Slash (SOLIDUS)
0 48 0030 Digital 0 (DIGIT ZERO)
1 49 0031 Digital 1 (DIGIT ONE)
2 50 0032 Digital 2 (DIGIT TWO)
3 51 0033 Digital 3 (DIGIT THREE)
4 52 0034 Digital 4 (DIGIT FOUR)
5 53 0035 Digital 5 (DIGIT FIVE)
6 54 0036 Digital 6 (DIGIT SIX)
7 55 0037 Digital 7 (DIGIT SEVEN)
8 56 0038 Digital 8 (DIGIT EIGHT)
9 57 0039 Digital 9 (DIGIT NINE)
: 58 003A Colon (COLON)
; 59 003B Semicolon (SEMICOLON)
< 60 003C & Lt; Less than sign (LESS-THAN SIGN)
= 61 003D Equal sign (EQUALS SIGN)
> 62 003E & Gt; Greater than sign (GREATER-THAN SIGN)
? 63 003F The question mark (QUESTION MARK)
@ 64 0040 @ Symbol (COMMERCIAL AT)
A 65 0041 Latin capital letter A
B 66 0042 Latin capital letter B
C 67 0043 Latin capital letter C
D 68 0044 Latin capital letter D
E 69 0045 Latin capital letter E
F 70 0046 Latin capital letter F
G 71 0047 Latin capital letter G
H 72 0048 Latin capital letter H
I 73 0049 Latin capital letter I
J 74 004A Latin capital letter J
K 75 004B Latin capital letter K
L 76 004C Latin capital letter L
M 77 004D Latin capital letter M
N 78 004E Latin capital letter N
O 79 004F Latin capital letter O
P 80 0050 Latin capital letter P
Q 81 0051 Latin capital letter Q
R 82 0052 Latin capital letter R
S 83 0053 Latin capital letter S
T 84 0054 Latin capital letter T
U 85 0055 Latin capital letter U
V 86 0056 Latin capital letter V
W 87 0057 Latin capital letter W
X 88 0058 Latin capital letter X
Y 89 0059 Latin capital letter Y
Z 90 005A Latin capital letter Z
[ 91 005B Left bracket (LEFT SQUARE BRACKET)
\ 92 005C Backslash (REVERSE SOLIDUS)
] 93 005D Right bracket (RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET)
_ 95 005F Underline (LOW LINE)
` 96 0060 Accents (GRAVE ACCENT)
a 97 0061 Latin lowercase letter A
b 98 0062 Latin lowercase letter B
c 99 0063 Latin lowercase letter C
d 100 0064 Latin lowercase letter D
e 101 0065 Latin lowercase letter E
f 102 0066 Latin small letter F
g 103 0067 Latin lowercase letters G
h 104 0068 Latin lowercase letter H
i 105 0069 Latin lowercase letter I
j 106 006A Latin lowercase letter J
k 107 006B Latin lowercase letter K
l 108 006C Latin lowercase letter L
m 109 006D Latin lowercase letter M
n 110 006E Latin lowercase letter N
o 111 006F Latin lowercase letter O
p 112 0070 Latin lowercase letter P
q 113 0071 Latin lowercase letter Q
r 114 0072 Latin lowercase letter R
s 115 0073 Latin lowercase letter S
t 116 0074 Latin lowercase letter T
u 117 0075 Latin lowercase letter U
v 118 0076 Latin lowercase letter V
w 119 0077 Latin lowercase letters W
x 120 0078 Latin lowercase letter X
y 121 0079 Latin lowercase letter Y
z 122 007A Latin lowercase letter Z
{ 123 007B Left brace (LEFT CURLY BRACKET)
| 124 007C Vertical (VERTICAL LINE)
} 125 007D Right brace (RIGHT CURLY BRACKET)
~ 126 007E Wavy lines (TILDE)

C0 control

Control characters were originally designed to control hardware devices such as printers and tape drives and the like.

Control characters (except horizontal tab, line feed, carriage outside) has no effect in an HTML document.

字符 十进制 十六进制 描述
NUL 0 0000 空字符(null character)
SOH 1 0001 标题开始(start of header)
STX 2 0002 正文开始(start of text)
ETX 3 0003 正文结束(end of text)
EOT 4 0004 传输结束(end of transmission)
ENQ 5 0005 请求(enquiry)
ACK 6 0006 收到通知/响应(acknowledge)
BEL 7 0007 响铃(bell)
BS 8 0008 退格(backspace)
HT 9 0009 水平制表符(horizontal tab)
LF 10 000A 换行(line feed)
VT 11 000B 垂直制表符(vertical tab)
FF 12 000C 换页(form feed)
CR 13 000D 回车(carriage return)
SO 14 000E 不用切换(shift out)
SI 15 000F 启用切换(shift in)
DLE 16 0010 数据链路转义(data link escape)
DC1 17 0011 设备控制 1(device control 1)
DC2 18 0012 设备控制 2(device control 2)
DC3 19 0013 设备控制 3(device control 3)
DC4 20 0014 设备控制 4(device control 4)
NAK 21 0015 拒绝接收/无响应(negative acknowledge)
SYN 22 0016 同步空闲(synchronize)
ETB 23 0017 传输块结束(end transmission block)
CAN 24 0018 取消(cancel)
EM 25 0019 已到介质末端/介质存储已满(end of medium)
SUB 26 001A 替补/替换(substitute)
ESC 27 001B 溢出/逃离/取消(escape)
FS 28 001C 文件分隔符(file separator)
GS 29 001D 组分隔符(group separator)
RS 30 001E 记录分隔符(record separator)
US 31 001F 单元分隔符(unit separator)
DEL 127 007F 删除(delete)