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HTML5 entity name (letter - Z)

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Entity name Hex
Z Zacute 00179
z zacute 0017A
Z Zcaron 0017D
z zcaron 0017E
& Zcy; Zcy 00417
& Zcy; zcy 00437
Z Zdot 0017B
z zdot 0017C
& Zeetrf; zeetrf 02128
& ZeroWidthSpace; ZeroWidthSpace 0200B
Ζ Zeta 00396
ζ zeta 003B6
& Zfr; Zfr 02128
& Zfr; zfr 1D537
& ZHcy; ZHcy 00416
& Zhcy; zhcy 00436
& Zigrarr; zigrarr 021DD
& Zopf; Zopf 02124
& Zopf; zopf 1D56B
& Zscr; Zscr 1D4B5
& Zscr; zscr 1D4CF
zwj 0200D
zwnj 0200C