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Scala break statement

Scala cycle Scala cycle

Scala language default is no break statement, but you can use another way after Scala 2.8 version to achievebreakstatement. When using thebreak statement in a loop when executing to this statement, it will break the cycle and execute the code block after the loop.


Scala syntax in the break a little less like the following format:

// 导入以下包
import scala.util.control._

// 创建 Breaks 对象
val loop = new Breaks;

// 在 breakable 中循环
    // 循环
       // 循环中断

flow chart


import scala.util.control._

object Test {
   def main(args: Array[String]) {
      var a = 0;
      val numList = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);

      val loop = new Breaks;
      loop.breakable {
         for( a <- numList){
            println( "Value of a: " + a );
            if( a == 4 ){
      println( "After the loop" );

Execute the above code output results:

$ scalac Test.scala
$ scala Test
Value of a: 1
Value of a: 2
Value of a: 3
Value of a: 4
After the loop

Interrupt nesting loop

The following example demonstrates how to break nested loops:

import scala.util.control._

object Test {
   def main(args: Array[String]) {
      var a = 0;
      var b = 0;
      val numList1 = List(1,2,3,4,5);
      val numList2 = List(11,12,13);

      val outer = new Breaks;
      val inner = new Breaks;

      outer.breakable {
         for( a <- numList1){
            println( "Value of a: " + a );
            inner.breakable {
               for( b <- numList2){
                  println( "Value of b: " + b );
                  if( b == 12 ){
            } // 内嵌循环中断
      } // 外部循环中断

Execute the above code output results:

$ scalac Test.scala
$ scala Test
Value of a: 1
Value of b: 11
Value of b: 12
Value of a: 2
Value of b: 11
Value of b: 12
Value of a: 3
Value of b: 11
Value of b: 12
Value of a: 4
Value of b: 11
Value of b: 12
Value of a: 5
Value of b: 11
Value of b: 12

Scala cycle Scala cycle