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jQuery Mobile touch events

Touch event is triggered when the user touches the screen (page).

lamp Touch event is equally applicable and on desktop: Click or slide the mouse!

jQuery Mobile Click

Click event is triggered when the user clicks on the element.

Examples are as follows: click on the <p> element, the hidden current <p> element:



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jQuery Mobile Click and hold (long press)

Click and hold (long press) in the click event does not put (about one second) after the trigger



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jQuery Mobile slide

Slide the event is within the user drag and drop more than one second level 30PX, longitudinal or drag event is less than 20px trigger events:



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Left slide jQuery Mobile

Swipe left drag event when the user left the trigger element is greater than 30px:


$ ( "P"). On ( "swipeleft", function () {
alert ( "slide to the left!");

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Right sliding jQuery Mobile

Swipe to the right event at the right trigger when the user drags the element is greater than 30px:



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