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XML DOM summary

XML DOM summary

XML DOM defines a standard for accessing and manipulating XML.

According to all the DOM, XML document is a node .

Element node text is stored in a text node in.

XML DOM The XML document as a tree structure. Tree structure is called node tree .

In the node tree, parent, child and sibling are used to describe the relationship.

All modern browsers have built-in XML parser can be used to read and manipulate XML.

Through XML DOM properties and methods , you can access the XML document each node.

Important node properties: nodeName, the nodeValue, and nodeType .

When used like childNodes or getElementsByTagName () property or method that returns a node list object .

Different browsers when line breaks or spaces between characters are different processing nodes.

To ignore null byte text element nodes , you can check the node type.

You can use the node node relationships were navigate .

Our XML DOM instance also shows a summary of XML DOM tutorial.

What is the next step to learn?

Our advice is to learn XSLT.

If you want to learn more about validating XML, we recommend learning DTD and XML Schema.

The following is a brief description of each topic.

XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language Transformations)

XSLT stylesheet language XML file.

By using XSLT, you can transform XML documents into other formats, like XHTML.

If you want to learn more about XSLT, please visit our XSLT tutorial .

XML DTD (Document Type Definition)

DTD The purpose is to define a legal XML document elements, attributes and entities.

By using DTD, each XML files can carry a description of its own format.

DTD can be used to confirm the data you receive and your own data is valid.

If you want to learn more knowledge about the DTD, visit our DTD tutorial .