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C # nested switch statement

C # judge C # judge

You can put aswitch as part of a sequence of statements of the external switch,that can be used in anotherswitchstatement within aswitchstatement. Even in case of internal and external switch constant contains common values, there is no contradiction.


C #nested switch statement syntax:

switch (ch1) 
   case 'A': 
      printf ( "This A is part of the external switch");
      switch (ch2) 
         case 'A':
            printf ( "This is part of the internal switch of A");
         case 'B': / * internal B case the code * /
   case 'B': / * External B case the code * /


using System;

namespace DecisionMaking
    class Program
        static void Main (string [] args)
            int a = 100;
            int b = 200;

            switch (a)
                case 100:
                    Console.WriteLine ( "This is part of an external switch.");
                    switch (b)
                        case 200:
                        Console.WriteLine ( "This is an internal switch part");
            Console.WriteLine ( "a precise value is {0}", a);
            Console.WriteLine ( "b the exact value is {0}", b);
            Console.ReadLine ();

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

This is an external switch which is part of the exact value of the internal switch is part of a 100
b The exact value is 200

C # judge C # judge