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Redis Append command

Redis string (string)

Redis Append command to append the value of the specified key.

If the key already exists and is a string, APPEND command value is appended to the end of the key original value.

If the key does not exist, APPEND is simply set to a given key value, the same as the implementation of SET key value.


redis Append command basic syntax is as follows:


Available versions

> = 2.0.0

return value

After the additional value is specified, the length of the key in the string.


# 对不存在的 key 执行 APPEND

redis> EXISTS myphone               # 确保 myphone 不存在
(integer) 0

redis> APPEND myphone "nokia"       # 对不存在的 key 进行 APPEND ,等同于 SET myphone "nokia"
(integer) 5                         # 字符长度

# 对已存在的字符串进行 APPEND

redis> APPEND myphone " - 1110"     # 长度从 5 个字符增加到 12 个字符
(integer) 12

redis> GET myphone
"nokia - 1110"

Redis string (string)