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jQuery slice () method

jQuery traversal methods jQuery traversal methods


With an index number from 2 <p> element start select <p> element:


try it"

Definition and Usage

slice () method selected based on a subset of the index element.

Belonging to the set is a subset of a large part of the collection.

This method is used by the start and end points to limit the combination of elements in the selection: start parameter is to create a subset of the index at the beginning (starting from 0), stop parameter is an optional end point.


$(selector).slice( start,stop )

参数 描述
start 必需。规定开始选取元素的位置。索引号从 0 开始。

stop 可选。规定结束选取元素的位置。如果省略,则选取范围会在集合末端结束。索引号从 0 开始。



More examples

start and stop
How to use these two parameters to select from the start point to the end point of <p> elements.

Use negative
Use negative from the end choose <p> element, rather than starting from scratch.

Two negative parameters
Use start and stop negative parameters to start selecting <p> element from the end.

jQuery traversal methods jQuery traversal methods