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jQuery children () method

jQuery traversal methods jQuery traversal methods


Back <ul> direct child elements:

$("ul").children().css({"color":"red","border":"2px solid red"});


body (great-grandparent)
div (grandparent)
    ul (parent)
  • li (child) span (grandchild)

try it"

Definition and Usage

children () method returns the selected element all the direct child elements.

DOM tree: This method is only a single level traverse down the DOM tree. For traversing down several levels (return descendants of nodes or other descendants), use the find () method.

Tip: To traverse the DOM tree upwards along a single level, or through all paths until the document root element upward (return parent or other ancestor), use parent () or parents () method.

Note: This method does not return a text node. To return all child nodes that contain text nodes, use the contents () method.


$(selector).children( filter )

参数 描述
filter 可选。规定缩小搜索子元素范围的选择器表达式。


More examples

Back <ul> All immediate child elements
How to Return <ul> element of all direct child elements.

Narrow your search
How to use the filter parameter to return <ul> direct child element with class name of "1" for all <li> elements.

Back <div> direct child elements of all <p> elements
How to select the <div> elements direct child of all <p> elements.

Presentation by descendants of the tag name of the element
Demo <div> element descendants.

jQuery traversal methods jQuery traversal methods