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jQuery callbacks.remove () method

jQuery Misc Methods jQuery Misc Methods


Use callbacks.remove () callback from the callback list of deleted

$ (Function () { // Simple test function var foo = function ( value ) { alert ( "Foo:" + value );}; Var . callbacks = $ Callbacks (); // add to the list of test function foo callbacks. add ( foo ); // Invoke all callback parameters passed callbacks. fire ( "Hello" ); // Output "foo: hello" // Lock callback list // Test status callback list;. callbacks remove (foo) callbacks. fire ( "World" ); // NIE has an output, because the list is not "foo" callback })

try it"

Definition and Usage

callbacks.remove () function is used to set a callback or callback removed from the callback list.

This method returns a callback object to the callback list it bound


callbacks.remove( callbacks )

参数 描述
callbacks Function,Array类型 要从回调列表中删除的一个函数或函数数组

jQuery Misc Methods jQuery Misc Methods