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Java Examples - interrupt thread

Java Examples Java Examples

The following example demonstrates how to use the interrupt () method interrupt thread and use isInterrupted () method to determine whether the thread is interrupted:

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public class Main extends Object 
implements Runnable {
   public void run() {
      try {
         System.out.println("in run() - 将运行 work2() 方法");
         System.out.println("in run() - 从 work2() 方法回来");
      catch (InterruptedException x) {
         System.out.println("in run() - 中断 work2() 方法");
      System.out.println("in run() - 休眠后执行");
      System.out.println("in run() - 正常离开");
   public void work2() throws InterruptedException {
      while (true) {
         if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            System.out.println("C isInterrupted()=" + Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted());
            System.out.println("D isInterrupted()=" + Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted());
   public void work() throws InterruptedException {
      while (true) {
         for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            int j = i * 2;
         System.out.println("A isInterrupted()=" + Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted());
         if (Thread.interrupted()) {
            System.out.println("B isInterrupted()=" + Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted());
            throw new InterruptedException();
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Main si = new Main();
      Thread t = new Thread(si);
      try {
      catch (InterruptedException x) {
      System.out.println("in main() - 中断其他线程");
      System.out.println("in main() - 离开");

The above code is run output is:

in run() - 将运行 work2() 方法
in main() - 中断其他线程
in main() - 离开
C isInterrupted()=true
in run() - 中断 work2() 方法

Java Examples Java Examples