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Java log () method

Java Number classes Java Number classes

log () method is used to return the value of the parameters of the natural log base.


double log(double d)


  • d - any native data types.

return value

Returns the values ​​of the parameters of the natural log base.


public class Test{
	public static void main(String args[]){
		double x = 11.635;
		double y = 2.76;

		System.out.printf("e 的值为 %.4f%n", Math.E);
		System.out.printf("log(%.3f) 为 %.3f%n", x, Math.log(x));

Compile the above program, the output is:

e 的值为 2.7183
log(11.635) 为 2.454

Java Number classes Java Number classes